Refrigeration cooling units for Halm jet press super XL 4 colour four color chillers ENVELOPE MACHINES, Envelope Printing Machines, HALM, OFFSET PRINTING MACHINES, PARTSread more
2004 HALM UV DRYER model XL for wide frame Halm machines exc cond 1 color, 2 color, 4 color, 5 color, ENVELOPE MACHINES, Envelope Printing Machines, HALM, PARTSread more
HALM HIGH SPEED UV DRYER will work with all Halm jet presses 1 color, 2 color, 4 color, 5 color, ENVELOPE MACHINES, Envelope Printing Machines, HALM, PARTSread more
Halm Jet Press Rollers Kit BRAND NEW with bearings ENVELOPE MACHINES, Envelope Printing Machines, HALM, PARTSread more
Bottom Feeder for a 2 color halm jet, complete from a 1996 machine ENVELOPE MACHINES, Envelope Printing Machines, HALM, PARTSread more
2008 oil less vacuum pump Becker VT-4.25 (10 available) ENVELOPE MACHINES, Envelope Printing Machines, HALM, PARTSread more